Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Preventing Suicide in Prison: A Collaborative Responsibility of Administrative, Custodial, and Clinical Staff

From ResourceShelf's Docuticker:
Preventing Suicide in Prison: A Collaborative Responsibility of Administrative, Custodial, and Clinical Staff
Source: American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
“Suicide is a sentinel event in prison, and preventive efforts reflect the adequacy and comprehensiveness of mental health, psychiatric, custodial, and administrative services in a correctional system. This article reviews the literature on suicide in prison during the past three decades and identifies the pattern and occurrence of risk factors. These risk factors are classified as demographic, institutional, and clinical. Based on this review, the author outlines specific administrative, custodial, and clinical steps and procedures that form the basis of a comprehensive suicide-prevention program that can be implemented in small and large systems. The author recognizes the limitations of staff availability, the budget constraints, and the ineffectiveness of efforts to prevent suicides that occur without any warning. Ultimately, a prevention program is the collective responsibility of administrative, custodial, and clinical staff.”

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